About Us


It started in late 2013 with an idea and a question.


The analysis that followed led to the observation that “analog” produced music tracks sounded clearly better than “digitally” produced tracks.  This is an observation that has been made by millions of listeners.  But we are people with a long history of understanding audio and creating algorithms that reproduce audio.  So, our algorithm experts created a mathematical model for a variety of possible causes and solutions as a way of exploring a solution.


Why do some music tracks sound better than others?




  • Jayson, Chairman and Co-Founder – Business Development, Pro Audio Algorithms & Software, Production Engineer, Musician, Gamer
  • Jeff, Chief Technology Officer (Co-Founder) – Audio Algorithm Guru & Software Developer
  • Ed, CEO – Experienced CEO for Technology Companies
  • DarinBusiness development and marketing advisor
  • JayceDigital marketing associate, Gamer 
  • Douglas Ramler, Esq., Partner, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP – Attorney to Entrepreneurs
  • Thomas BregmannFounding shareholder and business advisor